The Sony A7iii

I recently purchased a Sony A7iii to replace my Nikon D300. So far I’ve been blown away by what I’m getting from the Sony. Part of this is undoubtedly due to the jump from a dx sized sensor to full frame.


Shooting with the A7 has been a pleasure so far. One thing I’m really impressed by is the finder eye detection. Its been 100% reliable for me automatically switching between the EVF and LCD.


I’m current editing my photos in Lightroom cloud and its been a decent workflow so far. I like the ability to continue editing on my phone or tablet if I want and its relatively easy to share from Lightroom mobile.


I haven’t shot any video yet but that’s one thing I’m looking forward to, especially compared to the Nikon. The D300 is limited to 720p and a length of 5 minutes compared to the A7 which shoots in 6k and downsamples to 4k and is limited to 30 minutes per session. My understanding of the time limit is it’s there to avoid taxes on video cameras.

I Smell a Rat

The smell. That’s the first thing that hits you as you walk through the door. It’s instantly recognizable. It’s a putrid smell to be sure, it seems to hang in the air, and yet somehow if you stick around your brain will eventually begin to ignore it. I think that’s one of the things that surprises me most, our ability to make things disappear into the background but as time passes between exposures your brain stops ignoring it and then one day you walk through the door and there it is again.

Without any reliable way to pinpoint the location of the deceased I’m left with two options.

  1. Cut holes in the wall at random and hope for the best
  2. Wait it out and let nature take its course

While option two is the non-destructive option it can lead to another problem. Flies. As part of the decomposition process the body becomes host to all sorts of organisms; one of these organisms is flies. I’ve seen them get into the house numbering in the hundreds before. It can seem a bit like an Alfred Hitchcock movie when it happens.

The fly problem creates an opportunity to test methods for disposing of the flies and I’ve tried several methods over the years. In my experience the most effective method is the trusty “bug zapper”, an ultraviolet light to attract the flies and and an electrified grid surrounding it to put a stop to the flies themselves. After that it’s a simple matter of cleaning up the remains.

Shooting Panoramas on the DJI Mavic Air

I recently purchased a Mavic Air drone from DJI. Its been fun to fly so far and I’ve been impressed with the photos and video I’ve been able to get from it with very little effort.

By default the spherical panorama mode on the Mavic Air takes 25 still photos and stitches them together into an approximately 6MP image. You have the option of storing the individual photos used in the panorama for processing outside of the app.

By stitching the images together on my computer I have been able to generate composite images up to 78MP which I am thrilled with.

The photo below was taken with the default panorama settings in the DJI app and the only post processing done was stitching the images together.

Little River Canyon